Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Happy Halloween to all my readers, todays the day that the dead will once again roam this earth. Its a little different from our chinese 'Hungry Ghost' festival because we don't need to give offering to the dead and we can wear cool costumes to scare the hell out of your quiet neighbourhood. We Malaysians don't really celebrate halloween but i don't see the wrong in dressing up in geto-outfit as long as you don't go dressing up like this

( That outfit really gives me goose bumps )

This days there are alot of ridiculous costumes in the markets.
This halloween, ive stayed indoor the whole day playing Halo 3 on my cousin's X-Box. Its too bad we don't have trick-or-treat in malaysia. I would really want to go around my neighbourhood with a halloween custom-made 'Master Chief' outfit since im really into finishing Halo 3 now.

(My Halo-ween costume)

Nah, I was just joking. I hate sweets, so trick-or-treating is not really my type. Id rather stay indoor the whole day and finish Halo 3, unless my neighbours starts dressing up as grunts or the covenant units. Anyway, once again I would like to wish my readers happy halloween and I hope I wouldn't see you on the frontpage of the STAR newspaper with the headlines "Halloween kids hunting down neighbours with dumbledores gay outfit".

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