Sunday, December 21, 2008

International Cadet Camp

I have never been more excited on going to a camp especially one that invites other foreign countries to participate. As part of St. John Ambulance Malaysia's Sentinel celebration, SJAM-Selangor hosted the International Cadet Camp in commemoration of St. Johns being 100 years old in Malaysia. I simply couldn't resist this offer, what more when there's foreign chicks coming down. This could be the end of my single life.

The foreign countries that took part were....

our beloved neighbouring country - Singapore

The country of beautiful scenery - New Zealand

The country where I thought King Kong came from(No offense to hongkies) - Hong Kong

A country I've never heard of - Zambia

Last but not least - Sri Langka.

and most of the other states and areas around Malaysia.

To my dismay, the British did not come and I was eagerly looking forward to get a british friend.

Well better luck next time.

But I did not go home in regret of not making foreign friends

Meet Laura Mae. She's gonna be my tour guide when I visit New Zealand.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow team mates for being there for me and thanks for the great memories. It shall stay with me for a very long time, that I assure you.

Hop To The Top Grasshoppers!

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