Sunday, May 31, 2009

All Hail The Holidays

As said, exam is over and all hell broke loose. Ever since the first day of holidays, I haven't found some proper time to settle down and relax.

I think I'll start where I left off.

Exams were a blunder. I did study for it, I was confident I could do it, but I doubt my marks will show it. Just when you thought exams sucked, I turned 17 this year on an exam day yet again which makes it twice the sucky. But then again, though it was silent, it was rather a memorable one.

Alot happen since then. Teacher's day came up, we almost kicked the teachers to an all out goal in football, I almost went blind, passed my driver's highway code exam, went partying whole day and night, had LOADS of krispy kreme and the list goes on

Do notice that I didn't mention anything about opening a book. Some student I am, if this goes on I can kiss my SPM goodbye.

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