Thursday, April 10, 2008

World Domination

There's an evil lingering among the top leaders without us even sensing their presence. If you think Bush and Osama are bad enough, sad to say that you are as hollow as a nutshell. There is a greater evil out there that is deliberately controlling us right under our own two nostrils.

I find it intriguing that this 2 pictures look alike

You might never know, he might be planning world domination from being the worlds holy-est man. Who knows they might be related or either the same person. Talk about evil undercover.

With his intelligence he might even be able to manipulate the most innocent person such as Jar Jar Binks to join the dark side by making them think that it's the path to God.

and then he might even plot a rebellion against the world leaders such as Bush

by recruiting many of his believers into thinking they have the 'force' given by God with his trademark 'Come to the dark side'.

The world is definately coming to an end soon.


Roshann Mathiahlagan said...

a blunt accusation that may be true.
however, i think most of us wouldnt fall for the "dark" side.
the human race was created with empathy. =)

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